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cnc creator
cnc creator-ייצא קבצים
cnc creator-ייבוא קבצים
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Cnc Creator


Unlimited models and controls
Configurable part positioning by work center
Documentation of the results: Images, PDF, EXCEL ...
Tooling analysis, limitations ...
Time calculation
Different strategies for NESTING programs...


+High speed in the analysis and generation of programs 
+Analysis of contitionals, exchange of processes, exclusion of elements..
+Division and grouping of different programs
+Evaluation of errors in machining 



MPR(Homag), XXL/PGM(SCM/Morbidelli), OON (Ardis Optimizer), IniDraw (Ardis Optimizer), TSW (TopSolid, BBP (Biesse), CIX (Biesse), HOP (Holzher), DFX (AutoCad)

TCN (Alberti, REM, Brema...), BPP (Biesse), Images (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF), CIX (Biesse), Format4, NC1000 (Biesse), NC500 (Biesse), NCHops (Holzher), PartDraw (ARDIS Optimizer), Tria6000 (SCM/Morbidelli), NC500 (Biesse), TcLDX (Holzher), TwinCAM (Holzher, Rierge), MPR (Homag), MPRX (Homag), PGM (SCM/Morbidelli), PGMX (SCM/Morbidelli), OSAI, ISO...

Value Added
Experience in the sector
Results customization
Availability of a wide range of post-processors
Continuously evolving program

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